Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our Fascination with Rags to Riches

Nowadays, I would be hard-pressed to find anyone who hasn't heard of the internet sensation Susan Boyle. The instant celebrity made her fame on a reality show in Britain, and has since been playing on youtube non-stop. This is just another classic example of our love for the story of one who started with nothing and went straight to the top. And I have no doubt that if this woman was in her twenties and much more attractive, she wouldn't have recieved the unbelievable attention she has now.
But the more I hear people talk about this sensation that took everyone by surprise, the more suspicious I get. I believe that most T.V. networks are well aware of our fascination for this kind of story. And to think that no one had known this woman could sing is a stretch. My synical grandpa has this same view, with a lot more certainty. He is positive that this is just another "reality" moment on TV that isn't completely reality.
We all know how popular reality television has become over the past decade. And many realize how far from reality these programs will stray to keep its viewers hooked. I mean, let's admit it. Real life isn't always that exciting.
So I guess what my grandfather was trying to convey was to hold a certain view of skeptisism whenever possible.

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