Thursday, February 5, 2009

Army Commercials

As soon as we were given the assignment of finding something overly romanticized, I knew what I was going to criticize. It was something that I see regularly, and I wouldn't be surprised if I see it again before I go to sleep. I'm talking about those glamorous Army commercials trying to recruit kids to join any of the armed forces.
They usually all have some very dramatic music playing in the background, while showing how much joining the army will improve one's life, or how cool people look in the uniforms. They portray all soldiers as highly-respectable people living the "American Dream." They come from the working class, looking to serve their country. And then after a short time lapse, they come out of the army with families and great, successful careers. All of the soldiers are good-looking men or women who seem to be far away from any kind of combat. If these commercials showed any of the horrors of war, very few people would even consider signing up.
Becoming a servant of our country in any way is a great thing, but these commercials that I see almost daily overly romanticize the life one would lead after joining the army. First off, the advertisements completely neglect to tell the viewer the risk they would run joining the army, and the dangers that come with becoming a soldier. Currently, we are still in a war overseas. That war has produced thousands of American casualties. Death is a part of war, but when commercials like these over romanticize becoming a soldier, they make it something it is not.

1 comment:

Mr. Lawler said...

Nice qualifier in the topic sentence of your last paragraph, and any chance you can find a You-Tube video as an example?