Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lincoln vs. Darwin

I was very interested when just minutes ago, sitting on my computer, I visited the Google website. I don't know if you've ever seen it, but it's actually pretty cool. On certain dates they change the logo to represent the holiday or event. So, as we all know, today is Abe Lincoln's 200th birthday. And upon opening google, I was shocked to find them celebrating Darwins birthday instead!!!

Now take a deap a breath and think before you punch a hole in that computer screen of yours. I know what you're thinking. "How could they commit such an atrocity?!?!" I mean, this isn't anyone's 200th birthday they're choosing to ignore. This is the guy on every penny I have.

And I have a lot of pennies.

So I began to think, "What does this tell me about what Google truly values?"
They apparently thought more people would be expecting to see some Darwin recognition today as opposed to remembering Abe.

They obviously weren't at New Trier today.

I guess, to put it plainly, the guys and girls at Google just don't have that same obsession with our 16th President that the social studies depatment does.

1 comment:

Patrick K. said...

I think it may have something to do with the fact that Lincoln is more of an American icon, and Google is used by millions of people around the world each day. But still, I see where your coming from. I myself have a lot of pennies. Lincoln was definitely the center of attention at school, but I believe they both deserve a lot of recognition. Who did more for mankind? The debate could go on forever...