Saturday, October 18, 2008

Joe the Plummer is Real?!?!

During the Presidential debate, and throughout much of the campaign in the past couple of weeks, both candidates have been referencing some unknown, average "Joe" in order to try relate to the typical working-class American. At first, I was imagining some ideal american blue-collar man with a Chevy. I was under the impression that the candidates were using some ideal to try to connect with someone like Joe the plumber.
Apparently...he exists.
Now over the past week there has been non-stop coverage of this typical guy and what he thinks of the election and the two senators. It seems the media is taking a totally different approach on "Joe" than the candidates previously idealistic reference. They like to take a much more pragmatic approach and truly take Obama and McCain literally when they are talking about him. I didn't really think the media coverage was that necessary either.

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